
Listed below are an overview of some of the services and training that I provide. Please follow the Read More button for further details.

Employee Engagement Training

Despite widespread acknowledgement that employee engagement can help deliver superior organisational results a study conducted (Gallup, 2013) of workers in more than 140 countries found that only 13% are engaged in their jobs (Gallup, 2013:12). Even more worrying is the fact that disengaged workers, that is, those who are negative (and may possibly become antagonistic […]

Operational Excellence Assessments

Assessments are a fundamental part of our life; they help us manage our health, look after our finances etc. Organisations that are serious about Lean Manufacturing and Operational Excellence use them for a number of very good reasons.

Training, Systems & Principles

Lean training and consulting facilitates reductions in cost, lead time and work-in-progress though the identification and elimination of waste in both the manufacturing and back-office functions.

Site Strategy Deployment

The purpose of the two day workshop is to develop and implement a set of plans that are strategic, tactical, and co-ordinated across all people specific to the organization using the well-established Hoshin Kanri X Matrix Template for Lean Policy Deployment.